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Buy anabolic steroid online, You’ve been thinking about it for a little while …to boost your physical performance and obtain more strength, mass, and beautiful visible muscles, you have finally decided to use anabolic steroids. Buy anabolic steroid online, But, when ordering, a variety of sports supplements are available to you! Which one to choose? You who thought that steroids anabolics boiled down to testosterone in a box, here you are in front of all the richness and subtlety of these much-maligned supplements!
Anabolic steroids, the story of a large family of derivatives:
Buy anabolic steroid online, To get to know the world better steroids are anabolic and to perceive all the subtlety of their derivatives, here are some elements of chemistry (yes necessarily!) which will enlighten you on the existence today of this whole panoply of supplements.
First, let’s start with a quick review of your chemistry lessons:
Whether in nature (plants, animals, fungi, or insects) or in our bodies, there is an incredible number of steroids. Steroids correspond to organic compounds whose basic chemical structure consists of a succession of four cycloalkane rings, one or the other link. The rings (A, B, and C) are organized into 20 carbon atoms, while the D ring has only five carbon atoms. Buy anabolic steroid online, Buy anabolic steroid online, Then, steroids will be differentiated by modifications in their functional structure or by changes such as the removal or addition of hydrogen, carbon, or even oxygen atom. The different possible combinations then create steroids with their own characteristics and functions.
The human body synthesizes a multitude of steroids. Buy anabolic steroid online, Among the most important: cholesterol, estrogen, vitamin D, and Testosterone. Even if Cholesterol represents the basis of the other three, in the case of our discovery of anabolic steroids, we will therefore focus more particularly on Testosterone.
Effectively, Testosterone known as the male sex hormone par excellence represents the first anabolic steroid, made by the human body. In addition to favoring the masculine gender (hairiness, deep voice, etc.), testosterone stimulates the growth of muscle tissue. It is therefore well known in the world of bodybuilding and bodybuilding, to develop muscle mass.
However, testosterone is not the only anabolic steroid. Indeed, two other, less well-known anabolic steroids are also androgenically produced by the body. It is the Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and Nandrolone.
Dihydrotestosterone, Nandrolone and Testosterone, therefore, represent the three “parental” anabolic hormones, produced naturally by the body, which will be used by science for the development of their derivatives and thus arrive at a multitude of anabolic supplements offered on the market.
In the very large family of anabolics, therefore emerge three main types of steroids :
- testosterone analogues
- Dihydrotestosterone analogues
- Nandrolone analogues
Discovering Testosterone derivatives:
Testosterone represents the original and primary anabolic steroid, the precursor of DHT and Nandrolone. Indeed DHT represents a metabolite of Testosterone and Nandrolone comes from the conversion of Testosterone into Estrogen. Thereby, all anabolic steroidss can be considered as derivatives of testosterone. However, some steroids correspond to direct derivatives of Testosterone, taking up its main characteristics. These include the Dianabol and Boldenone.
The derivatives have the main characteristics of Testosterone, to know :
- They aromatize into estrogen
- They interact with 5 alpha-reductase, causing them to be reduced to a more potent androgen
- Testosterone is reduced to Dihydrotestosterone, while Dianabol is reduced to Dihydromethandrostenolone and Boldenone to Dihydrolboldenone.
Buy anabolic steroid online, Dianabol is obtained by adding to the structure of Testosterone, a methyl group, attached to the 17-alpha carbon. This process called C17-Alpha Alkylation, therefore transforms testosterone into a derivative that will be assimilated orally, while maintaining a strong anabolic effect in the body and despite its passage through the liver.
The birth of Dianabol therefore made it possible to obtain an oral form of Testosterone, particularly suitable for beginners, reluctant to injectable forms. Dianabol also has a double bond between carbon 1 and carbon 2, making it possible to increase its anabolic resistance while decreasing its androgenic resistance.
Bolderone, on the other hand, corresponds to Dianabol without the methyl group attached to the 17-alpha carbon. However, like Dianabol, it has the double bond between carbons 1 and 2, giving it low estrogen activity in the body.
Buy anabolic steroid online, Testosterone derivatives are appreciated for their important results on the volume of muscle mass, accentuated by water retention. It goes without saying, therefore, that these derivatives do not are not recommended during dry periods, but rather for mass gain.
Discovering Dihydrotestosterone derivatives:
The Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is obtained by metabolism of Testosterone by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase (5AR). Dihydrotestosterone has two peculiarities.
The first peculiarity of DHT lies in the fact thatit cannot by any means turn into estrogen since it is simply unable to interact with the aromatase enzyme.
Buy anabolic steroid online, Its second characteristic, which is quite surprising, is the fact that DHT in itself has no action on muscle tissue. Indeed, as soon as she arrives
in muscle tissue, Buy anabolic steroid online, it is immediately deactivated and metabolized into two ineffective hormones: 3-Alpha Androstanediol and 3-Beta Androstanediol. This metabolization takes place thanks to the 3-hydroxysteroid enzyme. So if DHT has no anabolic activity on the muscles why seek to create derivatives of this steroid? Logical at first glance. But the reality is a bit more complex. Indeed, if DHT has no action on muscle tissue, it is because of the 3-hydroxysteroid enzyme. If this enzyme did not exist, DHT would prove to be a powerful anabolic.
The challenge will therefore be to create DHT derivatives incapable of interacting with this enzyme, in order to benefit from all the anabolic power of DHT.
Thus, in front of such promising results, several derivatives of DHT have emerged. Among the most famous: Wistrol, Anavar, Primobolan and Masteron.
Even if its derivatives use DHT as a basic model of chemical structure, each derivative has its characteristics and therefore its own actions:
- TheAnavar will therefore be indicated to increase tenfold the strength of muscle mass and for a lean mass gain
- The Winstrol and Primobolan are perfect in a cure of dried
- The Masteron is ideal for mass gain
Nevertheless, here are the main characteristics of DHT derivatives:
- No interaction with the aromatase enzyme. DHT derivatives therefore exhibit no estrogenic activity (with the exception of Winstrol where its metabolites act like estrogen).
- Do not have no side effects such as bloating, gynecomastia
- Derivatives suitable for dry or weight loss phases
- Provide a “cut out »To the musculature
- They do not interact with the 3-hydroxysteroid enzyme
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Discovering Nandrolone derivatives:
Nandrolone is obtained during flavoring, i.e. when converting the Testosterone into estrogen. Its chemical structure is quite similar to that of Testosterone. However, its difference lies in the absence of the 19e carbon. Indeed, a carbon atom is missing at the 19e position. Nandrolone and its unique derivative, Trenbolone, are often referred to as 19-nortestosterone (19-NOR).
This absence of the 19e carbon gives Nandrolone increased resistance to the action of the aromatase enzyme. Thus, it becomes ultra resistant to any estrogenic activity.
Regarding Trenbolone, the latter has undergone a modification at carbons 11 and 19, thus making it completely hermetic to aromatase. In addition, it has a very strong anabolic power.
Two forms of using anabolic steroids:

From this panoply of anabolic supplements, two forms of assimilation are now available: the injectable route and the oral route.
Oral steroids:
Oral steroids come in the form of tablets or capsules. They are then swallowed and then digested by the body, during the treatment.
The oral form will take longer than the injectable form to be assimilated by the body. Indeed, the steroid will then pass through the liver and kidneys to be filtered and finally assimilated by the body.
Oral Buy anabolic steroid online can then cause damage directly to the liver and kidneys., since these two organs are not used to absorbing this kind of substance. It is therefore advisable to take protections during the treatment, in order to protect the liver from the harmful effects of steroids oral.
However, oral steroids are most often used by beginners who are afraid of the injectable form. They are also taken as a preparation of the body for a future injectable treatment.
Injectable steroids:
Injectable steroids, are taken in the form of a bite and therefore requires a certain hygiene and know-how protocol. This form is more accessible to advanced users. In this case, the products pass directly into the blood. They will therefore have no effect on the liver and kidneys.
The existence of a varied panoply of Buy anabolic steroid online demonstrates the desire to create the anabolisan steroidt perfect: the one with strong anabolic effects, with no side effects. In this search for excellence, science has made it possible to offer more targeted supplements according to the objectives, more suited to certain categories of people. And science has not yet finished surprising us in its discoveries and innovations.