What is Stanozolol (Injectable)? | What is Winstrol?
Stanozolol is an extremely famous anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS) that was derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT) pretty much as many other steroids out there. However, Stanozolol is one of a very unique type of steroid and this uniqueness made Stanozolol extremely famous among steroid users – one of the most used and famous steroid.
Stanozolol is sold under many trade names but one of the most famous is Winstrol. Stanozolol is the main ingredient in the product with name Winstrol or Stanozolol by Hilma Biocare. These 2 prodcts are exactly the same except for the price – Stanozolol by Hilma Biocare being offered for a much attractive price.
Stanozolol or Winstrol can be found in both tablet forms and injectable form. The tablets form of Stanozolol (Winstrol) is considered to be much more popular compared to injectable form. However, there are still many people who prefer injectable form due to a number of reasons, with half life being one of them.
Talking about this specific product – we are talking about Injectable Stanozolol by Hilma Biocare. Unlike most other injectable anabolic androgenic steroids out there, Stanozolol is not esterified and is being sold as a water solution (aqueous suspension). Because this product is not esterified, the half life of the injectable stanozolol isn’t as long compared to other injectable steroids.
This product is mainly used in cutting cycles because Stanozolol, although fairly effective in building muscles, there are other products much more helpful for bulking cycles. That’s because this product offers no estrogenic activity and lean/ quality muscle gains instead of raw muscle gains.
What is Stanozolol Used For? | What Does Stanozolol Do? | What Does Winstrol Do?
Stanozolol has been used with a pretty good success in treatment of venous insufficiency. That’s because the product is stimulating blood fibrinolysis and it has been studied for treatment of advanced skin changes in venous disease. Plus to that, it is successful in treating hereditary angioedema.
Anyway, nowadays the product is mainly used for physique and performance enhancing purposes by bodybuilders, powerlifters as well as competitive athletes. Mainly in the cutting cycles. In fact, the product is considered in the top 3 best cutting steroids out there.
Some effects that leads the users to better physique and performance out of using Stanozolol includes: lowers the level of SHBG, increases protein synthesis, increases nitrogen retention as well as red blood cells. And also – Glucocorticoids which are known as muscle wasting hormones are getting removed.
All of this would lead to: decreased globulin, while increasing strength and endurance, removal of the water weight from the body and increased muscle mass with some anti progestogen and anti estrogenic effects.
How To Take Stanozolol? | Stanozolol Dosage | Winstrol Cycle | Winstrol Dosage
Injectable Stanozolol by Hilma Biocare, as the name suggests, should be used by injection intramuscularly as the product comes in a vial. Regardless either are you using injectable form of oral form (tablets), usually, the dosages are pretty much the same.
Most men find out that their best dosing range is anywhere between 40 to 100 mg a day, although most men find out that 50 mg a day is their best. Dosages for women are much lower as they should opt for anywhere between 5 to maximum 20 mg a day, however most of them find out that 10-15 mg a day is just enough.
Taking in consideration that the half life of injectable stanozolol is 24 hours, you need to use it on a daily basis in order to keep stable blood levels. You might use it every other day but using it rarer definitely won’t make you have stable blood levels.
Either you decide to go for oral winstrol (stanozolol) or use it in injectable form, the steroid cycle is pretty much the same. Plus, as mentioned, Stanozolol is mainly used for cutting cycles.
If you’re a beginner you might use Stanozolol alone but solo use is less popular choice. Because of the liver hepatotoxicity do not use it for longer than 6 weeks, although many people decide to use it only 4 weeks. Except for being used alone, you might use it alongside with Testosterone Enanthate.
Start Testosteone Enanthate and at the fourth week of Testosterone alone, add Stanozolol for 4-6 weeks. But one fairly good steroid cycle with Stanozolol for cutting for beginners would be: Stanozolol 50 mg a day with Anavar 30 mg a day, 20 mg a day of Cardarine and 7 caps a day of N2Guard for a total of 6 weeks.
Some more advanced steroid users are using Stanozolol alongside with Trenbolone (considered the best cutting steroid) and Testosterone for the ultimate cutting cycles.
Stanozolol Side Effects | Winstrol Side Effects
The worst and most known side effect of Stanozolol (Winstrol) is liver hepatotoxicity. Although Injectable Stanozolol might be a bit safer for liver compared to oral compound – the difference isn’t significant. Injectable Stanozolol is one of the pretty few injectable steroids out there known to be hepatotoxic.
That’s why, either you use oral or injectable stanozolol, limit your intake, do not use it for prolonged periods of time (6 weeks is maximum, over 8 weeks are chances to develop issues), make sure that you do not have any already existing liver issues (and don’t use it if you do have any), reduce or completely exclude any alcohol and over the counter medicine that can stress liver. Plus, add some supplements that can help cleaning your liver (such as N2Guard, Liver Stabil or whatever others).
Except for liver issues – virilizing side effects are very possible for female users especially if used for too long or too high doses.
For males – testosterone suppression is a problem. That’s why is very important to introduce PCT after each Stanozolol cycle. Androgenic side effects such as hair loss, acne, oily skin are possible too, although not as harsh as other steroids out there. Cardiovascular/ cholesterol side effects are possible too.
Estrogenic side effects are not possible to occur with Stanozolol. In fact, the product is working a little bit as an anti estrogenic compound.
Where to Buy Stanozolol? | Where to Buy Winstrol Depot Low Price?
Injectable Stanozolol (which might be known as Winstrol Depot) can be purchased directly from this website IronDaddy.to for a very low price. Stanozolol by Hilma Biocare is a very high quality and real Stanozolol which would greatly help with cutting cycles.
Stanozolol is one of the most famous steroids out there – doubt you would regret getting it.